Running the European Network of Biological and Retrospective Physical Dosimetry

RENEB is a network founded within the 7th EU framework EURATOM Fission Programme. Beginning 2016 a total of 26 organisations from 16 European countries have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for mutual assistance in individual dose estimation in large scale radiological and nuclear emergencies.

Latest News & Activities

RENEB AI Workshop

March 13th – 14th, 2024 at BfS, Munich, Germany

“Research priority on the application of artificial intelligence in biological dosimetry”

Mission Statement

  • RENEB ensures high and consistent quality of biodosimetry services for European countries.
  • RENEB ensures high capacity of biodosimetry services for European countries.
  • RENEB reduces the total overall costs in Europe by sharing of specialized resources and cooperation.
  • RENEB can directly or by means of international organisations provide effective assistance outside Europe.

RENEB will ensure availability, quality, and efficiency in assessment of individual radiation doses after an exposure. Through this effective network Europe will be well prepared for the management of affected people in case of a large scale radiological emergency.

Although severe nuclear or radiological accidents or overexposures are rare, they may occur anytime and anywhere. There is also an increasing risk for acts of terrorism with radioactive materials. Such events may affect a large number of people and if not handled correctly will have a severe impact of the society. In order to be able to respond to such events properly, individual dose assessment is necessary. In this regard, biodosimetry is a most suitable method for reliable dose estimation. Therefore, it is important that biodosimetric capabilities and capacities are effectively maintained and offered to European states.

RENEB membership categories:

  • Voting members
  • Associate members
  • Honorary members
  • Supporting members

Join RENEB association

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