Become a Member

RENEB Membership

Membership is open to natural and legal persons dealing with individualized dose reconstruction for emergency preparedness or scientific research. Organisations or individuals declaring the candidature will contribute to RENEB by promoting the objectives of the association according to the statutes.

RENEB is composed of the following membership categories:

Voting members are legal persons (organisation, institution) dealing with individualized dose reconstruction for emergency preparedness or scientific research. Voting members will nominate a permanent representative (delegate) who shall be an active employee of the voting member institute and who shall attend the General Assembly (GA). The delegate will take all actions necessary to exercise membership rights. A membership fee has to be paid (1000 € / year, universities reduced 500, – € / year). The application for membership has to be submitted to RENEB

The GA votes on the application for membership.

Associate members are natural persons who contribute to the objectives or activities of RENEB. Associate members are proposed for associate membership by at least two voting members and have to be accepted by the Council. The application for membership has to be submitted to RENEB

Honorary members are natural persons who have made outstanding contributions to the realisation of
RENEB or the aims of RENEB.
The Council shall award honorary memberships.  
Honorary members may participate in the General Assembly in an advisory capacity without a voting right.
Honorary members are proposed by at least two voting members.

Supporting members are natural or legal persons that do not meet the requirements for voting members
 but have an interest in the work of the Association. They support the Association  through counsel or by financial means.

Criteria for successful candidature (voting and associate member):
  • Availability of an operational laboratory for biological or physical retrospective dosimetry.
  • Experience in the application of assays for biological or physical retrospective dosimetry.
  • Experience in the performance of retrospective dose assessments.
RENEB candidate member:
  • If the above criteria are not yet fulfilled, then there is the possibility to participate as a “RENEB candidate member”.
  • Candidates do not need to have an operational laboratory for biological or physical retrospective dosimetry, but a suitable laboratory infrastructure (biological or physical laboratory) is required and there has to be the capability for the laboratory to be fully operational within a reasonable time frame in line with the objectives of RENEB.
  • Capability of laboratory performance should be tested in the frame of intercomparisons conducted by RENEB.
  • Training activities are possible within RENEB community.
  • Candidate membership will be reviewed yearly.

Join Us

If you have interest in becoming a member of the RENEB association, please fill out the form below and send it to us.

We will be happy to reach out to you for the next steps.

Also in case of questions or general interest in RENEB, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Type of Membership

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